April 5th - 9th, 2024
(English below)
2024年4月8日。北アメリカ大陸を横断する皆既日食が起きます。史上最大のEclipse Festivalとなった2017年のOregon Eclipseから7年。開催できなかった2020年を経て、再び北アメリカを横断する皆既日食に合わせてTexas Eclipseの開催が決まりました。Re:birth FestivalはGlobal Eclipseのコラボレーターとして、今回もまたオーガナイズに参加します。世界各国のオーガナイザーと共に最高のフェスティバルを作り上げ、そして世界中から集まるパーティフリークス達と共に世紀の天体ショーを祝福しましょう!
On April 8, 2024. A total solar eclipse will occur across the North America. Seven years have passed since the 2017 Oregon Eclipse, the largest Eclipse Festival ever. We are going to gather again for 2024 and held Texas Eclipse. Re:birth Festival will once again participate in organizing the festival as a collaborator of Global Eclipse. Join with organizers from around the world to create the best festival ever and celebrate the celestial show of the century with party freaks from all over the world.
The venue is located just one hour north of Austin, Texas, a major city in the heart of space exploration and the space science industry. Enjoy the best of Central Texas culture including music, art, local food, crafts vendors, and more!
The world’s best DJ’s, producers, multi-instrumentalists, bands, singers will coalesce under the Texas skies for 4 days and nights of musical exploration. Our Global Festival Collaborators will all be contributing to the music curation of Texas Eclipse; immersing you the unique soundscapes of over 13 countries. And there will be an impressive array of immersive & interactive ART and performances.
Drifting into the otherworldly Texas horizon, it will be an extraordinary experience where inspiration, technology, science and the mysteries of the universe come together!